Open Position @ IALFM: Sunday School Principal

We’re looking to hire a Sunday School Principal for the 2024-2025 academic year and Summer Camp in 2025. To apply, please send your resume to

IALFM Sunday School Principal‘s role is to lead and manage Sunday School with the assistance of the Sunday School Committee and the team of volunteers. This part-time, paid position entails responsibilities such as operating Sunday School, administering curriculum, leading the volunteer team, managing technical resources and supplies, communicating with parents, addressing any student discipline issues, and leading Summer Camp. The Principal is also responsible for organizing Sunday School events and addressing ad-hoc issues.

Detailed Requirements for the Sunday School Principal’s role:

1. Lead ‘Sunday School Committee’ and operate Sunday School with committee’s assistance.

2. Schedule and facilitate ‘Sunday School Committee’ meetings to plan and execute the responsibilities of Sunday school.

3. Organize ‘Registration Day’ and related activities (leverage volunteers).

4. Process tuition fee and other charges in MOHID, the masjid financial system.

5. Manage curriculum and syllabus for all five levels of Sunday school.

6. Plan classroom setup, track and optimize student enrollment.

7. Lead and organize registration process for existing and new volunteers for all roles, and conduct volunteer training before start of school year.

8. Plan and finalize volunteers’ assignment for all levels, make changes as necessary, ensure volunteer/teacher availability at all times to conduct classes (take care of class setup every Sunday with help from volunteers).

9.   Publish and update Sunday School related information on IALFM website.

10. Manage and maintain all technical resources in the Sunday School office/masjid (laptops, printers, internet access devices, etc.).

11. Order and keep inventory of all supplies.

12. Organize and lead Sunday School events.

13. Communicate with parents via email and chat (Mailchimp and WhatsApp).

14. Partner with volunteers to design lesson plans, track attendance, test results and other related records.

15.  Address student discipline issues by working with teachers, committee and parents.

16.  Address ad-hoc issues related to Masjid premises (classrooms, playground, general premises maintenance, etc.).

17.  Lead and organize Summer Camp.

How to apply: To apply, please send your resume to